Slow piston - mirroring light only when above percentage


1) Give a description of the problem
Piston works, but sometimes takes anywhere from 1~5 seconds to have “Switch 8” turn on or off. The behavior of “Switch 8” should mirror the behavior of the dimmer switch, but only when the dimmer is above 25%. So, if the dimmer is 0-24% the “Switch 8” turns off, if the dimmer is 25% or above, “Switch 8” turns on.

2) What is the expected behaviour?
Ideally, I would like “Switch 8” to turn on or off much quicker.

3) What is happening/not happening?
“Switch 8” takes anywhere from 1-5 seconds to turn on or off based on whether the dimmer is on/off/dimmed.

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston!

5) Attach logs after turning logging level to Full
5/20/2020, 7:37:05 AM +16ms
+1ms ╔Received event [Master Bedroom Light 2].level = 5 with a delay of 78ms
+128ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 23ms > PS > 57ms > PE > 48ms > CE
+131ms ║Runtime (40083 bytes) successfully initialized in 57ms (v0.3.110.20191009) (129ms)
+132ms ║╔Execution stage started
+140ms ║║Comparison (integer) 5 is_greater_than (integer) 24 = false (1ms)
+142ms ║║Condition #4 evaluated false (4ms)
+143ms ║║Condition group #3 evaluated false (state did not change) (5ms)
+144ms ║║Cancelling statement #6’s schedules…
+151ms ║║Skipped execution of physical command [Master Bedroom Walk-in].off([]) because it would make no change to the device. (3ms)
+152ms ║║Executed [Master Bedroom Walk-in].off (5ms)
+161ms ║║Condition #11 evaluated false (6ms)
+162ms ║║Condition group #10 evaluated false (state did not change) (7ms)
+169ms ║║Condition #15 evaluated false (5ms)
+170ms ║║Condition group #14 evaluated false (state did not change) (6ms)
+196ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (63ms)
+207ms ╚Event processed successfully (207ms)
5/20/2020, 7:37:04 AM +15ms
+1ms ╔Received event [Master Bedroom Light 2].level = 4 with a delay of 70ms
+116ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 22ms > PS > 48ms > PE > 45ms > CE
+118ms ║Runtime (40079 bytes) successfully initialized in 48ms (v0.3.110.20191009) (116ms)
+119ms ║╔Execution stage started
+127ms ║║Comparison (integer) 4 is_greater_than (integer) 24 = false (1ms)
+129ms ║║Condition #4 evaluated false (4ms)
+129ms ║║Condition group #3 evaluated false (state did not change) (6ms)
+131ms ║║Cancelling statement #6’s schedules…
+138ms ║║Skipped execution of physical command [Master Bedroom Walk-in].off([]) because it would make no change to the device. (3ms)
+139ms ║║Executed [Master Bedroom Walk-in].off (4ms)
+148ms ║║Cancelling condition #11’s schedules…
+149ms ║║Condition #11 evaluated false (6ms)
+149ms ║║Cancelling condition #10’s schedules…
+150ms ║║Condition group #10 evaluated false (state changed) (9ms)
+157ms ║║Cancelling condition #15’s schedules…
+158ms ║║Condition #15 evaluated false (6ms)
+159ms ║║Condition group #14 evaluated false (state did not change) (7ms)
+189ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (71ms)
+200ms ╚Event processed successfully (200ms)
5/19/2020, 11:00:54 PM +736ms
+1ms ╔Received event [Master Bedroom Light 2].switch = off with a delay of 64ms
+117ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 22ms > PS > 47ms > PE > 49ms > CE
+120ms ║Runtime (40086 bytes) successfully initialized in 47ms (v0.3.110.20191009) (119ms)
+121ms ║╔Execution stage started
+129ms ║║Comparison (enum) off changes_to (string) off = true (0ms)
+131ms ║║Cancelling condition #11’s schedules…
+132ms ║║Condition #11 evaluated true (5ms)
+133ms ║║Cancelling condition #10’s schedules…
+133ms ║║Condition group #10 evaluated true (state changed) (7ms)
+135ms ║║Cancelling statement #12’s schedules…
+141ms ║║Skipped execution of physical command [Master Bedroom Walk-in].off([]) because it would make no change to the device. (3ms)
+142ms ║║Executed [Master Bedroom Walk-in].off (4ms)
+169ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (47ms)
+180ms ╚Event processed successfully (180ms)
5/19/2020, 10:13:22 PM +750ms
+1ms ╔Received event [Master Bedroom Light 2].switch = on with a delay of 163ms
+123ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 24ms > PS > 51ms > PE > 48ms > CE
+126ms ║Runtime (40083 bytes) successfully initialized in 51ms (v0.3.110.20191009) (123ms)
+127ms ║╔Execution stage started
+135ms ║║Comparison (enum) on changes_to (string) off = false (1ms)
+136ms ║║Cancelling condition #11’s schedules…
+137ms ║║Condition #11 evaluated false (5ms)
+138ms ║║Cancelling condition #10’s schedules…
+139ms ║║Condition group #10 evaluated false (state changed) (7ms)
+144ms ║║Comparison (enum) on changes_to (string) on = true (1ms)
+145ms ║║Cancelling condition #15’s schedules…
+146ms ║║Condition #15 evaluated true (5ms)
+154ms ║║Comparison (integer) 5 is_greater_than (integer) 24 = false (1ms)
+155ms ║║Condition #16 evaluated false (8ms)
+156ms ║║Condition group #14 evaluated false (state did not change) (15ms)
+184ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (58ms)
+195ms ╚Event processed successfully (195ms)
5/18/2020, 10:00:29 PM +219ms
+1ms ╔Received event [Master Bedroom Light 2].switch = off with a delay of 65ms
+116ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 23ms > PS > 48ms > PE > 45ms > CE
+119ms ║Runtime (40086 bytes) successfully initialized in 48ms (v0.3.110.20191009) (117ms)
+120ms ║╔Execution stage started
+128ms ║║Comparison (enum) off changes_to (string) off = true (0ms)
+129ms ║║Cancelling condition #11’s schedules…
+130ms ║║Condition #11 evaluated true (5ms)
+131ms ║║Cancelling condition #10’s schedules…
+132ms ║║Condition group #10 evaluated true (state changed) (6ms)
+134ms ║║Cancelling statement #12’s schedules…
+140ms ║║Skipped execution of physical command [Master Bedroom Walk-in].off([]) because it would make no change to the device. (2ms)
+140ms ║║Executed [Master Bedroom Walk-in].off (4ms)
+165ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (45ms)
+175ms ╚Event processed successfully (175ms)
5/18/2020, 9:30:08 PM +325ms
+1ms ╔Received event [Master Bedroom Light 2].level = 5 with a delay of 75ms
+246ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 22ms > PS > 55ms > PE > 169ms > CE
+249ms ║Runtime (40080 bytes) successfully initialized in 55ms (v0.3.110.20191009) (246ms)
+250ms ║╔Execution stage started
+260ms ║║Comparison (integer) 5 is_greater_than (integer) 24 = false (1ms)
+261ms ║║Cancelling condition #4’s schedules…
+262ms ║║Condition #4 evaluated false (6ms)
+263ms ║║Cancelling condition #3’s schedules…
+264ms ║║Condition group #3 evaluated false (state changed) (9ms)
+266ms ║║Cancelling statement #6’s schedules…
+272ms ║║Skipped execution of physical command [Master Bedroom Walk-in].off([]) because it would make no change to the device. (2ms)
+273ms ║║Executed [Master Bedroom Walk-in].off (4ms)
+288ms ║║Cancelling condition #11’s schedules…
+289ms ║║Condition #11 evaluated false (13ms)
+290ms ║║Cancelling condition #10’s schedules…
+291ms ║║Condition group #10 evaluated false (state changed) (15ms)
+302ms ║║Condition #15 evaluated false (9ms)
+303ms ║║Condition group #14 evaluated false (state did not change) (10ms)
+330ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (81ms)
+342ms ╚Event processed successfully (342ms)


I do not see this delay in your logs…

The very slowest
╚Event processed successfully
happened in +342ms. (one third of a second)

If your device did not respond promptly, it sounds like you have latency in your network.

  1. Do other pistons have a delay when communicating with “Switch 8”…?
  2. Do other devices have a delay when commands are sent to them…?