Sonos does not play MP3


Hi everyone,
Simple question… but I can’t find out why it does not work.
I am trying to have my sonos player to play a mp3 sound in a piston.

Thanks for your help


Try removing the “at volume 100” to see if it works.


Thanks… but no better…


Are you able to play that mp3 with that url in your browser?


yep !


Try this mp3…

I placed a space before s3 that you will need to remove


Just FYI, whatever MP3 you end up using, you should still follow @jkp’s original suggestion to remove the volume setting option. There have been previous threads discussing the fact that tracks don’t play if the volume option is set. Just use a separate “set level” action before “play track.”


What is If it’s a NAS, maybe try a UNC path?


thanks to all !!

  • level removed @bthrock : no luck
  • tried the link you provided @jkp same…
    and UNC path did not worked @Bry

Update : I was a bit optimistic… in fact sonos was playing the lastest track I played trough the sonos app, not the one given in the webcore piston url…


I was having the same problem and nothing worked.
Later on due to changing wifi router I had to add sonos speakers from scratch.
After adding them all, play track started working flawlessly.

Just an idea.