Text To Speech Help


I have samsung hs-ms 850 soundbar.
It’s integrated with ST thanks to a member DH

Does the TextToSpeech command is enough to play custom messages or do I need any other app?

I’ve seen references to BigTalker…



I’ve been having a problem with it. The only command I can get to work is “speak text and resume” and it only works for like the first 5 words. Also, I have to include a command to set the volume to something like 80 or so. I’ve been meaning to post a log with errors ,but no time.


I’ve been using text to speak and resume at lot recently and initially had similar issues. What I observe is that once the Piston executes the command it just moves on to the next command. There does not appear to be any sense of waiting for the command to finish and subsequent commands can interrupt the text being spoken, What I have done, and this isn’t ideal, is to add a ‘wait’ command directly after the text to speak of approximately the length of time it takes to read out the text. This isn’t ideal when the text being sent is of variable length. I hope that there is a more elegant way of doing this.


I assume you are not using the same SoundBar hs-ms 850 s.
That one does not show as a speech synthetizer so I cannot even select the Speak command.
