[To delete]Now is between month



I would like to create a piston to manage a virtual switch (wintering pool)

Here is what I would like to create
If “NOW” is between “April” and September "then switch OFF

But I can not figure out how to achieve this.

I find the functions:

  • Now
  • between

But I can not put just the month, the only thing I have to do is put “between the 01/04/2017 and the 30/09/2017”
But it means that I will have to modify my piston every year

If anyone could help me.

thank you in advance

Edit :
My bad, someone can delete this poste.
I have my answer


$month or $monthname


use timer and you have many options to choose from including which months to run. e.g.:

if you change day to weeks or months you will get other options to select when it should run. just try it out :slight_smile:



I have creat like this, this is good?


that should work. it should be triggered every day and turn off during the months selected and turn on during the months not selected.

i was suggesting doing something similar using every statement instead of using the if statement.