Using IFTTT for POST Json request to web-cast service


Hello i’m in the same situation of this topic Sending POST with JSON array and I had seen that the solution proposed and confirmerd was using an IFTTT Post for pass a correct Json string to web-cast service, because i cannot insert the square char “[” and “]” at the begin and at the end in a webcore code using a Post Request.

Code present this:

Make a POST request to http://<ip>:<port> with JSON encoded data 


I want this:

Make a POST request to http://<ip>:<port> with JSON encoded data 


In the linked post there isn’t the solution in detail and I ask you some details to pass a Json correct string using webcore and IFTTT.

Thz to all.


This is what I came up with after a few (make that a lot) trial and error…


Super Thank you. I try that code and inform you on the result. :grinning:


Hello, i have tried your code and go all very well… Now i can send notification to web-cast service directly from internal network.

Thanks very much for your help.