WARNING: Found nested (level 3) trigger... -> and pistons stop working



1) Give a description of the problem
Piston stop working on this week and warning message came in piston code. Piston has been working over year before that. HU E version and webcore v0.3.114.20220203 HE: v0.3.114.20220307_HE

2) What is the expected behaviour?
Piston should work as it has been.

3) What is happening/not happening?
Piston does not work, the controlled switch does not operate. According log it should, but in practice it does not. I’m thinking that this is related this new warning message in the piston code.

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the pistonimage

5) Attach logs after turning logging level to Full


Drag line 34 into its own If statement.


I don’t recall ever seeing that warning message but that is all it is.

Triggers like ‘changes’ rely on being evaluated every time the attribute of interest changes. This is because the comparison is between the current event and a cache of the last one. I don’t know if ‘drops below’ works the same or if it uses the device history. It would make sense if it also used a cache as webCoRE doesn’t always get events in the order they were generated. So the warning message is telling you that you have nested triggers.

That said, it looks like a red herring.


The warnings are new in HE.

The warning is accurate in that it may cause errors for tracking.

In this case because the same device/attribute are being checked, it may be ok.

In any case the warning does not stop the piston from working. So if you have data the piston is not working should see logs as to why.

(fyi drops below uses valuesCacheChanged )


Okay, now I found the reason for this failure. The switch what this piston was controlling is Z-wave device and sensors where this piston was reading data were Zigbee devices. Zigbee devices were reporting data correctly and working with hub fine, but Z-wave device was not working, even when I tried manually configure switch state. I tried to check Z-wave network details from Hubitat / Settings / System settings, but page was not available. So it seems that whole Z-wave functionality or some part of it was jammed in the hub. I reboot the Hubitat hub and now everything works just fine.

I though that this was related to that warning message, which was something new for me because I haven’t seen that previously, but it did not have anything to do with this issue.

Let’s hope that my hub HW is not going to get broken…