I have a piston which turns on a cloakroom light when motion is detected. I won’t post as it’s rather complex, handling all such lights, and works well.
That said, today it seemed to stop working for the one light. It last worked at 11:30am. I performed the usual checks - the battery in the motion sensor - ok, then suspected the bulb had gone - but it looked ok. So I asked alexa to turn on - it worked, turning on. I then used alexa to turn it off. After that the piston operated the light again as expected.
Looking at the logs for the light (a fibaro dimmer 2) I noticed it was turned off by the piston at 11:30, and then reported 0w power, as expected. There was nothing else until this evening when I asked alexa to turn it on.
So, my WC piston was running, but the code thought the light was already on, so didnt do anything.
Unfortunately I didnt check the device status to see if HE thought the device was on.
I’m wondering if the HE log entry for “off” was created, the device turned off, but then either
- HE didnt update the device status or
- The device status was not synchronised to WC (if that happens)
I’m also wondering whether there’s any merit in writing a piston to periodically call a refresh on all devices to ensure their current status is reported?