WTH Smartthings. GREAT UPDATE!


Since their update yesterday everything has gone to SH!T. Am I missing something?


Not seen any issues on my end… what are you seeing?


my hub has been going offline-online-online…argggh


It fired 1 piston that it should not have and failed to fire another one yesterday evening. It has correctly done 2 this morning. Maybe it was a hiccup or something.


Anyone? I’m having more problems?


On/off/on/off happened to me few months back but mine was due to a device handler. (either poorly written or poorly installed LOL)
did you change anything or add a new device handler?

I saw the update on my side but nothing major happened.


No new device handlers. Webcore was updated prior to ST update. I’m still having issues, I just deleted and restored one of the pistons from an update 5 minutes ago so we will see if that fixes that one.