Adding new virtual switches takes hours to show up in webcore


Title says it all - when I create a new switch or routine in webcore it takes forever for it to show up in the list. Is there a way to force webcore to see those new items?

I went into webcore settings - added it … saved and saved all the way out … went into webcore selected piston … loaded physical devices and it’s not there.

Do I need to do something additional?



I’ve got a bunch of virtual switches I use to control groups of other switches, and they seemed to show up pretty quickly. Have you tried turning the virtual switch on/off a couple of times to manually update it? No clue if it would help but forcing an update might make sense…:crossed_fingers:


I get this sometimes. Also when I change the name of a device. It can take a while for the name to change.
I’m not sure if last time a did a hard refresh of webCoRE on my PC and it appeared.
Might be worth a try.


I can’t find any rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes they show up almost immediately, sometimes it takes a while…and it doesn’t matter what I refresh, etc.

But, I’ve never seen it take hours. I think 15-20 minutes is the longest I’ve had to wait.


After adding the permissions in the ST app, I’ve always just exited a piston and gone straight back in, and it’s there straight away.

Will do a test


Mine show up immediately…just created and used a new virtual switch yesterday and after adding it in the settings in the SmartApp it was available in webCore immediately.