Best Approach for Audible Countdown for Entry/Exit (with SHM Delay app)


I’ve got a nice setup going now regarding my security system and one of the final pieces of the puzzle is a reliable countdown timer to alert users that they need to exit or enter a password before the siren fires (among other things).

I tried using webcore to simulate a countdown at the tablet using a Piezo buzzer, but that effort (seen here: Piezo Buzzer Piston) seems to have failed entirely based on insurmountable delays in the cloud and/or webcore logging.

What I’d really like to get is a two-stage audible sound so, for example, if the system is set to trigger in 60 seconds, have it beep and a slow rate for 45 seconds and then faster for the last 15. You’ll see that attempt in the piston above. It just doesn’t work.

So now I’m wondering about ways to have the tablet perhaps play an audio file or run something local that would beep the piezo buzzer more reliably. Anything that would give an effect similar to a standard security system countdown.

Has anyone pulled off anything like this that’s entirely reliable and can be replicated?
