I just bought a samsung hub and I try to plan my house.
I was wondering was was the best practice to run a WebCoRE piston from a Google Home routine in 2019. All the posts are old or not clear.
I understand there’s 2 ways but is one faster than the other, more reliable, less buggy?
- Make Google home (GH) routine to trigger a Smartthings routine who contains a scene change or is just empty. Make the piston run when the routine is run.
- Change a virtual switch with a GH routine to on. Make the piston run when the switch is turned on. But at the end of the piston the piston need to turn off the switch.
Is there easier ways to run a webCoRE to change a global variable with my voice with Google Home? Can the piston listen on a scene change from google home instead of a smartthings routine?
How YOU use your google home / Smartthings / WebCoRE? Is your routines are in google home or smartthings? Do you use scenes? Do you use ifttt - virtual switches?