Cannot update Webcore since migrating account from ST to SC


My account has migrated from ST to Samsung Connect as part of the ongoing Beta.
A few glitches, but all fixed now.
Webcore pistons humming as they should and working well
I am not able to update with the github integration…
As a known bug, the Github accounts did not migrate properly, so I re-entered the details (ady624 / webCoRE / master)
The fact that I see a groovy in the “My device handlers” / “Update from repo” seem to indcate that I entered the right settings.
But from the “My smartapps”, the lists are desperately empty, even if I know for sure there are new updates.

Any idea (where I would ideally keep all my pistons)?


Several people have had success disconnecting from GitHub (options popup on the smart apps screen) and reconnecting. Seems ST can lose that association and not be able to pull updates.


And it works…
If like me you’re from the UK and wonder where to re-enable github after disconnecting: