Editor Colour Options


It would be nice to change the editor colours of the Dashboard. I find it hard to see the light grey statement numbers during a trace. The very light pink background washes out all the code colours too much. A bit like the ST community forum, light grey letters on a white background, commented hard to read many time by folks.

Insane WC back-end coding BTW!



Any suggestions on what kind of color scheme you would like to see? Can you provide any examples? I can get started on this over the weekend probably.


Everything is subjective, I used to love coding on an amber screen, sooooo much better than green :slight_smile: How old am I? :wink:
It would just be nice to have the standard colour pallet widget show up for the basics like most GUI’s these days. Background, foreground, text, line numbers, sidebar etc.
Even now the colours aren’t bad it’s just hard to see content with a light pink/grey background - code and line/trace numbers.