Oh wow… Every 5 minutes should not be a problem with local queries.
I wonder what is the pattern for when you get the java.lang.SecurityException
(Is there mention of a “recovery” in your logs?)
If we look at this from a slightly different angle, I’ve notice when SmartThings updates code, they do not always publish every single change.
So, for example, if the errors happen within a 24 hour period, but afterwards, the piston works reliably for weeks on end, then I would attribute those bugs to an update that got fixed.
On the other hand, if the error happens almost daily, and you find it working again 24 hours later, then it sounds like an intentional block. (I’d try reducing the frequency)
Also note that a totally unrelated piston may be spamming your network too often, which could seriously impact this piston. (IE: Perhaps 10 days ago you created an unrelated loop, WHILE block, or a trigger
based on power changes, that has gotten out of hand)
I feel your pain. I program SmartHomes for a living, and the constant change (that I have no control of) is the most difficult part about my job. (What worked last year, is not necessarily the path I will take next year)
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you will see this with all companies…
Especially the ones on the forefront of new technology.
To coin a phrase:
If we cannot adapt to the changing technology, our SmartHomes would become very dumb, very quickly.