Errors after changing name of device


I have a ST multisensor. I changed the device name, but can’t get webcore to recognize the new name. It lists the new name in the app, old name in the dashboard. I’ve removed the device from the app and reloaded, but it’s still there under the old name. I tried re-adding it under different categories (battery powered, contact sensors, etc). Then the app froze and showed this in the log:

info: smartapp_pause called by smartAppName=webCoRE, value=250, smartAppVersionId=a4c3d933-f58e-4f36-8ba3-5406fefd0201

Another error, may or may not be related:

error java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Execution time exceeded 20 app execution seconds: 278269628714095 @ line 1880

As far as I can tell the dashboard is still communicating with the device correctly, but it’s not updating the name.


Hmmm. It’s been a while since I’ve name changed a device, but it always followed into WC with. Dashboard hard reload. Did you try that first?


No dice with hard reloads.


webCoRE caches names and attributes/commands of devices into the browser - either you logout and re-register the browser, or you go to the ST app’s Settings > Available Devices and simply tap Done there, then refresh the dashboard.


Um… okay that made webcore lose ALL of my devices, in ALL the pistons.

Tried refreshing them in the app with the Available Devices --> Done (they were all already selected)… But they’re all still gone…


I’m scared…


Unable to get any device to be seen in the dashboard. Deselected all devices from the app, hit done-done-done to save, then re-selected them, saved. Still no devices present. Hard-reloaded, re-authenticated. I’ll leave it alone and await further instructions…


This literally just happened to me as well. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT DO I DO


The pistons all seem to still be running and working with the devices though… they’re just not showing up. That’s slightly relieving…


nothing new? I lost everything…

Routine changes not showing up?

Are your pistons still triggering as they should? Mine are. That suggests the problem is superficial and only display-related…

Routine changes not showing up?

yessir they are still working

edit: updated again, working beautifully


Try logging out and reregistering the browser, does it fix it? Also, any errors in the IDE while doing that?

EDIT: Please try updating the webCoRE app again, then publish again. Thanks




I need to rename my Hall Light because Google doesn’t understand my Yorkshire accent and instead turns off 'ALL lights.'
Would renaming this bulb mess everything up as people have experienced above?

Change Device Names in ST App

It’s probably easier finding elocution lessons, I’m sure there’s loads in Yorkshire.


After renaming the device, open up webCoRE in the ST app then tap through Settings > Available devices and contacts > Available devices then press Done (no need to reselect the device or change any selections). This will signal the dashboard to reload its stored devices. The next time you load up the dashboard it will have the correct device name; it is no longer necessary to log out and back in.

Important note: if you used the device in any expressions (e.g. [Hall Light : switch] format) those expressions will no longer work! You will need to edit and save changes to any pistons that use the renamed device in expressions. This does not affect the device dropdown which tracks the device by ID rather than name, so you should see the new name across all your pistons.


Changed it to ‘hallway light’ and my piston automatically updated!
Magic, think it worked.