Feature Request: Insert/Amend/Delete Global Variables via Menu Option


I’ve noticed that the only way to Insert/Amend/Delete Global Variables is while a piston is in edit mode.
Local variables I can fully understand why as they are part of a single piston.
This got me thinking if it would be possible to do this via a menu option.
Just thought that this would make things easier.
Not a big thing but perhaps something that could be considered in the future.


Hi @ady624.
Any thoughts on this.
To be able to amend global variables via the webCoRE app on the phone would open up lots of possibilities.
Alarm clock type functions being just one.


I was just looking around to find the tutorial on ‘How to create Global Variables’, and came across this thread.

So, do I understand it correctly that the way to create Global Variables is from within a piston while editing it?


Yes, that is correct.
Depending on your screen size, scroll to the right or down and you will see the global variables with an option to create one.


Yep. I see it now.
Thanks. :slight_smile: