Feature Request: LIFX Morph & Flame method effects


Hello to the awesome developers, would it be possible to integrate the Morph and Flame effects into a future release of WebCore?

It looks like the last update to this type of LIFX integration may have been this update:
06/18/2017 v0.2.0c3.20170618 - BETA M2 - Added more LIFX methods like set, toggle, breath, pulse

Those existing effects trigger great through the WebCore app. The current LIFX HTTP API docs show some additional effects now available that may have not been at the time, such as Morph and Flame

If it’s possible to get these added, would be very much appreciated!


Bit of an old topic. But I second this.


Not as convenient as a method in WebCore, but you can always use the LIFX API for complete control of things you can’t quite do in webbcore or smartthings.


Lots of great API documentation and samples at the LIFX developer site!

A bit more info in this thread:


YES! Absolutely love this. Must be able to start the flame effect in a scene!