Feature request rises/drops by


Is there a way, or can it be added, to have a trigger based on rises or drops by an amount

For example:

If sensor humidity rises by 5% in 5 minutes
The do action

Or if temperature drops by 5 degrees within 5 30 seconds
Do action



I do something similar with my WUnderground data pull… It runs every 20 minutes.

Set variable temp to blah blah blah

IF temp is less than oldTemp - 5
THEN do QuickDropAction

IF temp is greater than oldTemp + 5
THEN do QuickRiseAction

Set variable oldTemp = temp

(it begins working on the second run once oldTemp has been set)


:man_facepalming:! Must have had a concentration loss. Been fighting with that for quite some time. Lol thanks


No problem… Glad to help!