can somebody explain me pls, why the piston set the level to 50?
each time i changed the color with the RGB Master device.
I only want to change the color.
can somebody explain me pls, why the piston set the level to 50?
each time i changed the color with the RGB Master device.
I only want to change the color.
From my experience, that’s the way it works. For what it’s worth they will tell you that Color is a combination of Hue, level and saturation… I don’t know about that… But I do know that in practice that’s what you can expect.
but in the variable only the hex color is shown
what is the correct command to get only the color in hex?
because i dont want to reduce the level, when i change the color.
This has been asked a bunch of times… I’d suggest you read through the previous threads.
what is the correct if trigger in line 42 for:
" if rgb bulb 5´s color changes to a different as @hueMomentColor" then…
" if rgb bulb 5´s color is different as @hueMomentColor" then…
I think you can use “changes away from” and then supply the variable that you want to use.
Give that a try.
Well, maybe you just need to make a Trigger and then another nested IF block.
So the Trigger would be “On Events from Bulbs color” or “IF Bulbs color changes”.
And then test to see if the color is different than your global variable with another nested IF block. If they are not different then your piston will just exit. If they are, then do your actions.