Getting to Know webCoRE [Video Series]


I’ve been working on a video series going over webCoRE for people getting started or who are looking for piston ideas. With my latest video on variables now live I think the series is now developed enough to share with the community. I have below all of the videos currently in the series and the whole playlist can be found here:

I have a bunch of additional videos planned for the series and if there are any suggestions on things to cover or suggestions on how to make the videos more interesting / helpful please let me know!

Introduction to webCoRE:

Installing webCoRE on Hubitat & Migrating webCoRE from SmartThings to Hubitat:

Dashboard Deep Dive:

Conditions vs Triggers:


IFTTT Integration:

Setting up Low Battery and Offline Smart Home Device Notifications:

Smart Laundry Room Monitoring & Notification:

Recreating The Goolge Home “Let’s get Spooky” routine:

Basic Light Control (Using Time of Day):

Advanced Light Control (Motion & Time of Day + Timers):

Controlling Multiple Light Switches (4-way Light Mimicking):

How to Mimic a Hardwired Smart Fan with Smart Switch and a RF Bridge:

IFTTT Custom Applets & webCoRE (Using Bond Bridge Fan Controller):

Advance HVAC Control Home Automation: