Harmony Hub Piston Design


Sweet, glad you got the ST notifications working finally


Its basically a work around as I still couldn’t get smartthings to log in. While reading your other thread I realized as long as you have a texting app you can monitor it. So I’m using an app from the Amazon fire tablet. I side loaded tasker and auto notify and just followed your directions using the texting app I got.


Yea buddy! If there is a will, there is a way!!
Improvisation is my middle name :sunglasses:

Care to share the name of the texting app for tablets with no SIM card?
That may help others in the same boat as you.


Run this script on your fire tablet


It’s called TextMe in the Amazon app store


There’s also KuKuHarmony for ST that will allow you to do some of what you want. It’s not as much fun as Tasker is, but it works.

It requires a nodejs app running somewhere on your network. Once you have it setup, it allows you to send custom commands directly to devices on Harmony hubs rather than just activities.