Holiday Lights: 4th of July / Diwali / Halloween / Christmas - Your Pick



Unsure why, but get the spinning box of death when trying to save it.
Did a cleanup and rebuld, but still it results in this.
Night time for real here now, will try som more tomorow.
Cool progress btw :smiley:


close the dashboard tab, clear cache and open a new browser tab, go to dashboard then try. i have had that happen with other pistons when reusing an open dashboard tab without closing it for a while.


Tried another browser.
At saving chunk 14 of 17 it stops and spinning on grey is only result.
The 14 of 17 disapears after a while, but stil just spinig.
Good night!!! gotta get to bed :smiley:


good night!


Thanks for your work on this, I’ll have to start fresh in the morning to get this up and running.


@bangali Think your brain made a baby :joy: it look awesome! I have added the pause and resume positions to the on and off again that should work shouldn’t it?

How do you do this I can create the global it’s turning it to true and false that I’m not sure about, with a virtual switch?


Thank you.

Not totally familiar with speaker commands would you please expand on that?

Most of the time I expect folks will do this from another piston when they want to control the same lights from another piston temporarily. So from the other piston set the global variable to true when you want the lights/sounds to pause then back to false to resume them.


not a speaker command, I put pause piston X under turn ON so when the lights turn on it also pauses the other pistons that might disrupt your piston. Then when it turn off it resumes them, but from this

I expect I was supposed to put this global command in these pistons instead?

to help this is part of the piston

Edit: i’ve been trying to work out another way of doing it but i only want these pistons to not run while this one is running so probably the only way?


@bangali essentially what I want to be able to do is when Presence sensor X OR y is present then run the full piston with lights 1, 2 and 3 but with the option of having the speakers on or off.

But if presence sensor X and y is not present then run the piston but with only light 1 and 2 and no speakers.

Reason being there is no point having the lights on inside when we are not there as people can’t see them and they can’t hear the speaker. But when we are there we want the lights on but might not want the speakers on because we are watching TV. This would be for all holidays.

But because I also have 2 pistons that change the colour of the lights at points in the day aswell as turn the lights off/ keep them off when we are not there, when this runs I need to pause them, then resume them once it’s finished. Does that all make sense?


probably best to set the global variable from other pistons to logically pause this piston as needed?


i am a little hesitant to add any more logic to these pistons. its already a bit borderline and i expect like @Einars other users might also have trouble saving if the piston gets any larger. if anything i could like to see if there are bits and pieces i can trim from this.

i would recommend using 2 versions of the piston one for outdoor and the other for indoor.



brought the size down by 1 chunk … hope that helps:

EDIT: replaced with a version couple of posts below.


No worries, that makes sense, I could have inside lights and speakers on one with a condition that it only runs when we are there, then on the other just the out side lights with the pause of the other pistons! Then have the global variable on the speakers :smile: that way it would reduce both!

On a side note other than your new one you have just done, been testing your other one and the speakers constantly play. I have tried increased the number you said to change too 10 but that didn’t make any difference.


checking …


Can confirm this did not help.
BUT I created the same piston in another instance, and bam there it saves and works.
Did forget to set the global variable in this on, dont know if that had anything to do with this thoug.
What a coold piston, running here now.


it saves in one instance but not another … thats strange. maybe file a bug? nah, that has nothing to do with saving the piston.


Do you think changing the global varibale at the same time as changing something in the piston could be it?


nope, shouldnt be.


please try this version and see if this works for the sound pausing?


dont know if its working now as cant get the speakers to run?

so for my two pistons would these work?

and this is your normal one but with presence condition