How often should I need to "Clean up and rebuild data cache" via the ST app?


Sometimes I’ll need to do this once or twice a week to get things working again after I notice that something is misbehaving.

Is this normal? Is there any way to automate the process to happen every 3 days?


Definitely not normal at all. Most hubs I have worked on I have never even done that once.

I would instead focus on the misbehaving piston the next time it happens.


The trouble is that it could be the simplest piston, and it’s not the same one! Most recently, if variable x changes to true, execute piston y. Variable changes, piston doesn’t execute. Rebuild the cache, works fine.


I have had less than perfect success with subscribing to a variable change as a trigger. I have resolved to use them as conditions instead for more reliability.

If I really need it to be a trigger, I often create a Simulated Switch, and use that as my variable. That is rock solid reliable!

Such as:
IF SimSwitch changes to on, then execute piston Y


Interesting! I do use variables as triggers often, maybe that’s the common link. I’ll give that a try. Thanks!