How to override motion sensor light?


@xraywinedrinker what happens with your piston if you turn on the light via the switch while it is turned on via motion?
I am trying to figure out how to override the motion detection by operating the light switch while the light is already on.


If the light is triggered to turn on by motion and you want to keep it on, you have to push the button twice, once to turn off and then to turn back on to stay on.
If the light is off and the motion sensor is inactive by a change in mode or timeframe, then pushing the button will turn on the light and stay on.


I’m doing that very same thing, but with scheduled lights:

I created a simulated button and called it “Auto Lights HOLD”. If I turn this button ON, then all Time Scheduled lights will not execute.

I added the button to the ‘IF’ statements as “Auto Lights HOLD is OFF”

This works great when I want to interrupt the scheduling of the lights.

You may be able to use something like this.

