Ikea 5 button remote piston for brightness and color spectrum


Hopefully, @jrob801 will share his “5 button” piston here…


Maybe its just my button being “bad” but button 5 “hold” did not seem to work for me? Is it the same with you guys?


Hi all, here’s my current piston. I changed it a bit from what I originally wanted due to the advice from @WCmore received in this thread.

I also realized that button 5 hold doesn’t work, which kind of sucks. I was going to bind it as an “all off” for my bedroom lights.

Here’s what we have:

Button 5 (middle) -
Push toggles her lamp on/off.
Hold doesn’t work as of now, so it’s not set to anything

Button 1 (top) -
Push increases brightness by 10%
hold toggles my lamp on/off (bear in mind, this remote is set up for my wife’s lamp. This gives her the ability to control my lamp if I leave it on or if she wants more light)

Button 3 (bottom)
Push decreases brightness 10%
Hold will eventually toggle the ceiling light. Not set up because I have to pull a 2nd wire to control a fan switch before I can install a smart switch

Button 4 (left)
Push sets color temp to 2700k
Hold will eventually turn ceiling fan on.off

Button 2 (right)
push sets color temp to 4000k.
Hold will eventually control the speed of our ceiling fan (high/med/low)

Changes I want to make:

  1. I may eventually try to make the top and bottom buttons continuous dim using the technique found in this thread. If so, I’ll switch the push/hold bindings on buttons 1 and 3 for continuous dimming.
  2. I had originally programmed buttons 2 and 4 to adjust between 2700k, 4000k and 5000k depending on the current color temp (meaning it’ll adjust to the next higher or lower preset depending on the current temp). Then I found out my ikea bulbs color ranges from 2200-4000k, and ST doesn’t support them below 2700k, so I set up the simple change to/from those two settings. I might bind them to a single button to just toggle between the two levels and free up a button function for something else.


Also, here’s the setup I had created for dimming between multiple levels, in case you’re controlling a bulb that actually goes to 5000k. It didn’t work entirely correctly for me, but I don’t know if that was a function of the bulb not having the capabilities I was asking for, or if I need to formulate the piston differently (an else statement to move on to the next step if the first if statement isn’t true?)

Perhaps @WCmore has some feedback on it…