Introducing a new webCoRE logo and community layout!



Today we are pleased to announce a brand new look for the webCoRE Community!

@chauger, designer of the original CoRE icon, has created a remarkable new logo now featured across the webCoRE platform. Drawing inspiration from the recent updates to SmartThings’ branding, the logo features three encircled pistons forming the “wC” initialism. Gears in the icon and text represent the foundation of webCoRE in advanced automation and integration.


The new community theme is designed to intrigue visitors and surface useful resources for existing users. With links to popular articles in the wiki, the excellent examples submitted by the community, and our growing collection of video tutorials the homepage is a great starting place to learn more about webCoRE.

light-theme   dark-theme

Be sure to try the dark theme — just click your avatar in the upper right followed by the settings gear icon, then toggle the Theme setting in the Interface section. If you don’t want to see the homepage anymore simply click the Hide greeting button.

Astute observers will notice that posts now automatically include links to documentation about topics like piston state, functions, variables, the weather API, and much more! Just look for a dotted underline and click to learn more.

Your feedback is welcome! The design you see today is the product of weeks of collaboration and refinement by the Minions but there are certainly still improvements to be made. Sometime next year the theme will be open sourced to facilitate direct contribution by anyone interested in improving the community. We also encourage all of you to create and share your own videos, to which end we will soon release a media pack with ready-made graphics to foster consistency among our videos.

We hope you enjoy the new look!


Looks great! :star_struck: :+1:

pinned globally #8




Excellent work!


Congrats guys! I wish I had the skills to help more. If there’s something that doesn’t need hardcore coding skills, let me know!


Certainly like the dark contrast better, now if I could only get ST to install this option :wink:
Been looking at light grey on white for almost 3 years, yack!


Well done, guys! It looks great.


well done all it looks awesome! love the new logo!


The conversation bubbles haven’t changed since my first draft of the design, it would be great to get some ideas for topics to feature there! A good starting point is to think “What is the most amazing thing I achieved or saw someone achieve with webCoRE?”

The conversations should be very concise and can have up to 4 speech bubbles. There are currently only 2 conversations and they’re not great – I would love to hear some ideas!


Excellent work @ipaterson and @chauger!


Vice Nice indeeed!!!:clap::clap:


I’ll sure look into it and come back to you. Since English is my second language, you might need to correct some mistakes tho. :blush:


Hey @ipaterson and other minions…
Is anybody working on an html/css update of the webCoRE dashboard? If nobody’s doing this, and you’re interested in it, I’d love to get a sandbox version to play with and send you back some ideas.


This is not a priority right now, but making it easier for people like you to contribute things like this certainly is. Unfortunately there is not much that you can do today to experiment with the dashboard code or run webCoRE locally, but I will be in touch in a few weeks following some planning, a portion of which is related to lowering the barriers of entry for code contributions.


Sure. I understand it’s not a priority… but it does seem a shame to not work on it if somebody is offering up time and coding skills. I guess let me know if y’all ever want someone to work on it.


I hope the changes are implemented on the smartthings community page. This site looks great.


Good work…and the dark theme is great


I love it!

