Is webcore down no piston access [401 HTTP status codes]


Yea that is what I thought but why all the sudden and only why I am trying to edit a webcore piston


I wonder if it is a broken OAuth connection…

Are there any clues at:
IDE > My Smart Apps > Edit properties (pencil icon) next to ady624 : webCoRE > OAuth

I am not 100%, but perhaps you may want to press Update on that last page…


That might have done it. No issues now…


nope Still get the webcore screen of death. Here is the log. I treid three times after editing a piston and saved it but got the webcore screen of death and lost all my edits…after two hours of working on it.

28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:40:13 AM: error physicalgraph.api.StatusCodeException: Invalid http status code returned: 401 @line 950 (api_get_base_result)
28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:39:59 AM: error physicalgraph.api.StatusCodeException: Invalid http status code returned: 401 @line 950 (api_get_base_result)
28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:39:54 AM: error physicalgraph.api.StatusCodeException: Invalid http status code returned: 401 @line 950 (api_get_base_result)
28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:39:53 AM: debug Dashboard: Request received to get piston :ef9a6abe542702d61e9a69b03cf2ceb4:
28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:39:34 AM: error physicalgraph.api.StatusCodeException: Invalid http status code returned: 401 @line 950 (api_get_base_result)
28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:39:23 AM: debug Dashboard: Request received to get piston :0f0ce6051fd56e22a7978e820df644c8:
28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:39:15 AM: error physicalgraph.api.StatusCodeException: Invalid http status code returned: 401 @line 950 (api_get_base_result)
28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:39:06 AM: error physicalgraph.api.StatusCodeException: Invalid http status code returned: 401 @line 950 (api_get_base_result)
28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:38:59 AM: debug Dashboard: Request received to get piston :b9207ed99b7af4aef75187fb04694fd9:
28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:38:16 AM: error physicalgraph.api.StatusCodeException: Invalid http status code returned: 401 @line 950 (api_get_base_result)
28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:38:15 AM: debug Dashboard: Request received to get piston :b9207ed99b7af4aef75187fb04694fd9:
28b20c58-c01b-45c0-9ea8-de9b0ed60a74 4:38:12 AM: error physicalgraph.api.StatusCodeException: Invalid http status code returned: 401 @line 950 (api_get_base_result)


I guess my only option is to get all my backup codes and create a new instance…man that is going to suck…wait I have two instances and they both do the same thing. this might be worse than I though. Could it have something to do with my login. Going to try to reboot my computer and see if that fixes it.


I think this is an account thing because it will not even let me register a new browser. Should I create a new account


I’d recommend waiting for @ipaterson


ok thanks. Not sure where you are but either you are an early riser like me or you are across the pond


I wonder if changing your security password in your instance of webCoRE would help. You mentioned having a second instance of webCoRE, try changing the password for it and see if you can access the dashboard for it. If it works, do the same for the main instance. If it doesn’t, don’t touch your main instance and wait for help.


I got that same error myself last night Scared me. I tried accessing another piston and that worked. Went back to the original I was trying to access and all was good. Hasn’t happened again yet.


This part sounds like you are trying to save a piston that is too large…
How many “Chunks” are you seeing when trying to save?


It has 4 chunks and changing the password MAY have resolved the issue but we will see. I will try to make a few changes and see what happens


Wow…OK… Four chunks is definitely not too large for a piston…

My largest to date was 24 I think, but most of my pistons max out at about 17 or 18.


Well it happened again. Was good while it lasted and still cant register another browser


Do you have a “whole house” ad blocker?


No I dont


Can you test a browser (or two) from an alternative device??
(IE: a local proxy could cause issues)


and that could be possible because this is a work computer and IT really knows how to screw up a computer. I will give it a try tomorrow seeing how the golf courses are still closed due to the Rona


I believe there were 3 successes in this thread… but all three were followed shortly by a failure…

This could easily happen if there is a “cookie-manager” in place…


It might even be worth testing from a different network as well…