Issue list for Webcore on New App


Is there a running list of webcore features that are no longer wokring with new ST app? I am having many of my pistons no longer working, delayed, slow, or unstable since the migration. Before I switch to Hubitat or HASS, I wanted to see if this is isolated to me or others also have this issue. I have searched these and the community forums.

Need help with a simple piston (presence)

Which features are you seeing issues with?

Let’s see…

STHM and routines can no longer be used.
Send notification or send push notification need to be changed to send push notification and store in messages.


Notifications are the big one. I’ll update to store. Other are automations no longer firing (presence based coming from life360), all of my rgbw(w) lights are no longer looping, execute and resume on pistons hasn’t worked since the migration, I’ve also been having severe delays on motion detection that sets off lights.

It’s quite a big list and I’m omitting smart apps as I know the status of those.


all those should work. migration “should” not have affected much. check that your devices are still reporting properly in the app.


I have heard a few rumbles about Life360 with the new ST App, but don’t use it and can’t comment with any authority on the subject. There is, however, a fairly new video some are referencing here. Not sure it will help, but …?


I use life360 in a piston and it works well :slight_smile:


They are but I have to see what is happening. Next weekend I will need to sit and review each piston one by one.


This is awesome. Thank you!