Maintaining the old core


I’m just wondering for those that have completely switched over to webCore, myself included, does anyone still maintain the original core?

Just in case something terribly bad happens with webCore?

I was faithfully maintaining the old core to mirror my web core pistons, for a while, but lately I haven’t been being so faithful.


I gave up on that ages ago… got fed up with the huge lists of smartapps under each device so I deleted all 4 instances of old CoRE to clean things up.

My webCoRE pistons are so much more advanced that mirroring with CoRe could never have been possible anyway.

WebCoRE can be backed up in case something kills all your pistons and you need to start over… just Keep copies of your red snapshots and you can also Backup to file… no way to restore from file yet but will be one day :crossed_fingers:


I’d like to see restore implemented ASAP!


To be clear, You can already restore from the individual backup codes, but not from the bulk backup files.

So save all your red piston snapshot images somewhere and you’re all set :wink:


Understood. But with 70+ pistons, it’s a pain to maintain this. I would like to see a way to automate the backup and restore processes.


So we can backup pistons, and we can not restore them !??


WebCoRE is still Beta… so yes, you can bulk backup to file but not bulk restore… in time these features will come.

You can however Backup pistons individually and restore if needed… personally I run a second instance of WC which contains copies of my pistons, but keeping the red snapshot codes also works.


The Backup codes behind the scratch panels are the best ones to keep btw (can’t remember why lol)… and if you have just one of those codes from a single piston, @ady624 can recover the rest (but only you can restore those codes due to encryption)

How do I restore my pistons to a different hub?

The backup bin codes are automatically kept up to date when you modify the piston - a full backup to a file remains at that point in time, it does not get updated if you make any later changes, unless you run the manual backup again.


does the backup also backup the backup codes as of that point in time in a way that it can be read by the user? alternately is there a way to backup the backup codes?