Mobile app for webCoRE


I’ve noticed a bug in WebCoRE. When in the main instance, if I change the places in settings, I lose all my categories. I can put them back in and the pistons remember where they belong, but it is annoying.

Where do we put the places in, by the way; the main instance or the blank one we created for the mobile app?


Please try your best to make the app accessible for blind and visually impaired users of Talkback on Android and voice Over. Thanks all over the place for your work.


Would like to get invite to mobile app (presence). Tried to send PM and system won’t let me(??)


You are currently at trust level 0 (new user).

You need to be on TL1 to send PM’s… spend 30 minutes clicking on stuff and you’ll move up the ladder.


Is this still an issue? I installed the presence sensor under my main webcore instance. (before I read this obviously)


But i’d Suggest you write down at least one of the backup codes (one of the ones hiding behind the grey scratch panels) before removing the presence device, just in case.



I guess I skipped a beat since I’ve been very busy this fall. Do you mean it’s now safe to use webcore presence sensor on main instance without fear of ST deleting everything? Thanks!




Cool, thanks! Getting up to speed on what happened in the last couple of weeks :expressionless:


Have you looked at a tool like appcellerator?


@ady624, have you had any issues with battery drain on Android? I installed the app last night, opened it but never signed in. This morning I look and it’s used about 20% of my battery.

Secondly, have you thought about making a donate version of the app? I have some Google Play Rewards laying around that I won’t have to tell my wife about if I use them to contribute to the cause.


Yeah. The app uses a lot of battery.


Kill the app. It doesn’t need to run in the background once set up.


I am going to do so and report back. Thanks all over the place for the suggestion.


My problem is that once I kill it, it doesn’t always work anymore. I arrived home earlier today, nothing. 10 minutes later I open the webCoRE app and bam within 10 seconds I “arrive” home. I have it set to disregard doze mode, battery optimization etc etc but still can’t get it to work reliably. It’s a bummer because I really love this feature of webCoRE and depend on presence sensing for my smart phone automations.


Can this be modified for local presence? Like which room in the home?little circles


Mobile GPS just isn’t that accurate… have you looked into iBeacons?


I am having this same issue, yet as far as I know - I am not even closing the app. I have double checked where I know to look, nothing is set to close the app, nor do I have any app managers. I think that is what is happening however, that it is getting closed some how. Same result, open app and near instant update (suggesting it was closed).

Of course still all of this should be allowed according to @bobbles in post #142.


I’d wanted to use iBeacons but unsure how to connect them to SmartThings and remember the BeaconThings iOS app, but don’t believe it’s supported any longer. How else can they be connected and somewhat easily used?


I’ve only ever tinkered with iBeacons the once, a single beacon well over a year ago… did not suit my needs as a I was after covering a large area whereas they are intended for fairly close proximity (3-4 meters).

I have no idea if BeaconThings still works… suggest posting on the ST forum and tagging @JDRoberts (he hasn’t come over to the WC dark side yet).