Need to count button pushes and then act - help please


Victory w/dryer piston, it lets me know when the load initially finishes, and (just by dumb luck rather than planning on my part) the piston also notifies me at the end of each mini “wrinkle prevention” cycle that runs after the drying cycle is over.

Hopefully will have time to test my two current attempts at a washer piston today to see if either of them work.

Dryer piston:

Please help fix my laundry piston

Thanks to@bangali for mentioning this in another thread, the scheduling options for followed by are configured on the condition after the followed by. So in addition to the normal options for the second condition you will also see “within” to change the time range along with a matching method to control the wait.

Maybe not relevant to this piston anymore but I had to correct my earlier misunderstanding to make sure you can use followed by in the future where it makes sense to do so!



I eventually found that as well, but thanks for putting the specifics.

I did end up finishing both pistons, and neither ended up using counting - the dryer cycle ended up simple, and the washer cycle was just too inconsistent/random for counting to help…below is my final Washer cycle, which used the push to start and then set a timer. It’s solved my laundry notification issues, finally. :slight_smile: Tons of help from folks here like you w/out whom I would not have got this working.


Thanks so much, @Danabw and @ipaterson. I feel like I’m close to getting this right, but not quite there yet. I actually do need the counting – the monitor occasionally reads phantom power on the circuit and it’s just enough to set the alert off. I’ve done what I can to monitor the fuel stream to set the On and Off wattage correctly, but the phantom spike set the alert off at random times. Getting the counting variable right would solve my problem.

Here’s what I have so far – but I feel like I have some of the order wrong because it seems to ignore the need to start the counting over if the button is held (because it’s ostensibly done) before it’s had at least 3 high readings. Seems to be alerting me before it’s had 4 low readings.

Been really fun to figure out the logic how to get this to work correctly, but I’m clearly missing the right commands to get it to do what it needs to. Happy to send the logs if that helps.


Just a quick question…what purpose does the variable wattsCount serve in the piston? I only see it in this statement, and interestingly, it’s not in the list of defined local variables in the start of your piston.

39 AM


Fresh set of eyes always helps, or maybe I had fixed it but didn’t save it. It lived like that for a period of time and then got bifurcated into the two High and Low. Let’s see if that works.


@Fe2_O3 Did you get this working?


I think this is it, @llcanada! I only have one load with this new code, but I got zero false positives during the wash – a first!. Going to leave it running and see if I get any false positives when it’s off – none yet, despite the usual phantom spikes which is a good sign.


@Danabw - what SmartApp did you use to make the Google Sheets logs in post 13? I’ve used a couple but they don’t have nearly as much data as yours.


Those were from the IDE…click on Devices, then click on the HEM Aeon device, then click on List Events. That opens the events log and you can scroll down to see all your device events.


@Fe2_O3 how is the piston working for you now are you still getting any false reading etc? Thanks


2/26/2018, 12:12:02 PM +485ms
+2161ms ║Piston waited at a semaphore for 2007ms

Does anyone know what this means? Thanks for the help.


I believe that’s the general “information overload” message that WC sends out when too many events come across in a very short amount of time.


It’s registers the washer and dryer finish about 9 loads out of 10, and has reduced premature alerts to maybe 1 time out of 10. Has completely eliminated the phantom loads – notifications for loads that never existed. Your mileage may vary, but I’m very happy.

Using a hardwired AEON HEM v1, with Mike’s edited handler


Another 3 loads in the washer and dryer, and 6 correct notifications @llcanada.