Pistons have stopped working! [daylight savings time issues]



I really appreciate the quick work @ady624 did to get us back up and running this morning as I was completely dead in the water.

To add to the troubleshooting logs, sunrise/sunset system variables seem to show the correct local time as does the local time variable, however, the pistons are counting down to a time 1 hour before local sunrise/sunset. This occurs whether it’s an old piston that was configured before the bug fix or even a new one just created after patching to the latest update.

For now, I’ve simply added a +1 hour offset to my pistons to correct. Looking forward to a systematic fix.


Found a workaround to the 1 hour difference.

If you change your piston to fire on the variable {$sunset} instead of the preset ‘sunset’ it fixes the one hour difference problem in the piston countdown. Same for sunrise. I suspect noon/midnight as well (although I have no pistons that execute at those times).



It would have been interesting to see if the time error sorted itself out after the scheduled pistons had run once.
As said before, it did for me in the UK last week.


Thanks! For now I am leaving mine as-is as a test in case Adrian pushes a fix for it.


Is your computer’s time correct? If you output the time from a piston (or even use the evaluation console) to output $now - what do you get? Is that the correct time?


Yes, computer time is correct and all System Variables in webCoRE ($now, $time, $time24, $sunset, $nextSunset, etc.) are correct.

In the Timer setup, under “at this time” if I choose PRESET = sunset I get the wrong time, but if I choose VARIABLE = $sunset I get the correct time.


Good answer. And no disrespect intended from my earlier post. This is a fantastic program!


This is all free at the moment, so I never ‘push’ for anything all…totally appreciate all the hard work being done…that being said, a notification would be cool :slight_smile:


I can’t update via the ST IDE anymore (Github link.) Even tried to clear the connection and re-establish…

Used to be able to do this…any resolution to this? I will do the manual cut and paste for now…

Also, I know this is probably not a priority, but down the future, if it can be considered to give us a ‘heads up’ notification that a new update is available (email, etc?) that would be awesome…

Timers appear to be off by an hour…


ok, will look into that arghhhh :smiley:


Its all back up and running for me after the upgrade. @ady624 thanks for the quick work!


I knew something was weird today when I got an alert from Weather Underground that my API request exceeded the allowed 10 per hour. My piston runs once every 10 minutes to refresh this data so apparently it went haywire in the wee hours of morning, running a ton of times, as would be expected per what Adrian said was happening.


A few people reported an issue last week and were able to resolve it by disconnecting their GitHub account and reconnecting. Maybe that is what you already tried, otherwise I hope it works!


Yes, I tried that, to no avail :frowning:

I’m not getting an error message, it just won’t show the ‘old’ and ‘new’ updates anymore.


I wonder what broke for you. I was able to update from the repo this morning as usual, without issue.


I am at my daughter’s soccer game, no laptop with me… From my tests on the phone, I have a feeling the problem is with the timeToday() function. It is supposed to take a string parameter like “7:00” and convert it into a DateTime. Can someone please run this in any smartApp they want, you can add it to webCoRE on a function that runs on piston executions, like handleEvent:

log.error “${timeToday(‘7:00’).time}”

Then go to the IDE logging and trigger that app/piston and please report the resulting number along with your timezone. Alternatively, use this site to convert the number back to a human readable date:


Thank you


Same here, all my timers went out of sync then then next day once I paused and resumed all went back to normal.

I have been a away for a few days and just come home and nothing worked! Was like aaarrrr it’s the smart home apocalypse! Then checked the IDE and our lord and master of Disaster @ady624 was of course on the ball and has fixed it already! Updated and the house jumped into life! :sunglasses: brilliant!


I was just thinking of downgrading to the previous version of WebCoRE due to the issue subscribing to global variables in the last patch. Will I still be able to do so now?


Nevermind, I managed to test the function, works fine. Will look into the code when I get home.


I tried but couldn’t find handleEvent anywhere in you’re code :sob: