Problem with DST?


Anyone else having troubles with timed events firing off one hour too early today?

I’m in Europe/Trondheim, where we went out of DST the night before today, I’m not sure if that is related.

Take a look at the Next scheduled and compare to the content of the piston.




Ah OK. Thanks.

Sorry for posting, I must have overseen that post. I’m new here :slight_smile:


No problem.
Any ideas?


You may experience some off events if the event was scheduled before the DST ended and the event happens after, though it should normally work. Dates and times are internally stored in UTC to avoid issues like this, however, once a schedule is requested of ST, what happens next is really up to ST…


I investigated the piston again today, and it still shows one hour off on the “Next scheduled” attribute.

However I did pause and restart the piston and then it was fixed!

I am unsure about if the actual piston execution was one of or if was only the next scheduled display.