Temperature tiles piston



thanks to @ahndee for his https://wiki.webcore.co/Samples#Weather_Tiles concept, which tracks more detailed temperature stats based on webcore $weather information.

that set me on the path of building this piston to track temperature and humidity at a couple of geo locations around the world and some key locations inside the house but capture a snapshot of current information with highs and lows for the geo locations.

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@bangali Every time I think that I’m starting to really get the hang of WebCoRE, I see one of your pistons and get blown away!! I’m not even sure if I can decipher it to make it my own! In the interim while waiting for yours, I began to write one myself, I will now work on combining them (hopefully).

If I may add to your topic, here is mine so far…

  • This piston will only execute while the Location Mode is AWAY
  • If Loc Mode changes from AWAY it will clear the tiles (my OCD)
  • Keeps a count in the piston state of how many temperature reports while away


ehh … i used to feel that way a few months ago. its just familiarity.

if there are things in the piston that seem tricky, happy to help decipher.

EDIT: btw, why do you want the tiles to only show when you are away? still trying to figure that out :slight_smile:


I use the ST gui for control and use the WebCoRE dashboard as a quick and easy way to monitor. I travel a lot and love checking in via the dashboard. No need to have the temperature tiles up if I’m in the house.


ahh, got it. thanks.