Testing ring camera - force motion on


When I add ring to Webcore I have it as both a camera and motion sensor I the ST app but when I go to make a piston it only shows as a camera. I am trying to test ring by forcing motion to get the ring notifications. However I dont see motion capabilities. What am I missing?


I have the Ring Pro and here is what I see…


Thanks @jkp it’s in the then statement I was trying to simulate motion to the ri would send me a notification.


You can’t tell the ring that motion is active. You get told by the ring if motion is active. It’s a sensor, not a switch. You can’t issue commands to sensors unless they are simulated.




You could always test by waving your hand in front of the device.
(real world testing is usually better than virtual testing)


That I know however I was not in front of my house when I was trying to test