in the weather documentation there is:
$twcweather.forecast.sunriseTimeLocal [
$twcweather.forecast.sunriseTimeLocal[0] seems to correspond with today according to the date but the rise time is not the same. for today, I logged these values when testing:
7/28/2020, 11:16:00 AM +90ms
+0ms âReceived event [Las Vegas].test = 1595960160089 with a delay of 0ms
+1052ms âconditions=2020-07-28T05:45:05-0700 forecast=2020-07-28T05:45:15-0700
I was planning to observe for a couple days to see if it is just reporting the wrong day or it is actually reporting something different than the local sunrise. I also havenât looked in detail at sunset yet.
EDIT: FYI, I discovered this because conditions donât have moonrise/moonset but forecast does. When I saw the forecast for sunrise/sunset, I got curious.