Updated in IDE to v0.2.0e8.20170918


But dashboard still shows v0.2.0e7 and telling me to update to newer version. Cleared browser cache and reloaded but still on older version.


Try hard refresh. CTRL+R depending on your browser.


done that!


Weird, can you see places in settings? If you can, your dashboard is probably updated.


yes, I see the new settings menu… Places, Categories, Integrations. Noticed that when I updated.


@ady624 might wanna look into this. On iPad.




Hard reload


sorry, done that but same thing. does not matter which browser or mobile device - all get the same.


I did it initially and just did it again, no success. Will try on Win10 Chrome in a minute.

Edit : win10 Chrome shows the yellow update banner but google map is shown in places.


Same problem for me, Chrome on Win10 and Chromebook. I did notice we can now delete categories!


Same issue for me. Updated in IDE, but still shows 2.0e7 and prompts me to update.


I am also having the same issue when updating. I tried everything with no luck.


Good here. Chrome on a Mac.

I don’t see ‘Places’ anywhere though.


Working over here…hopefully this hasn’t been asked, but is there a way to get notification when the version updates?


Been asked several times but no there is no notification of updates


FYI… this issue was resolved after the follow-up update in IDE.


Ok I give - I’m really intrigued by “places.” When and how can we use that gem?


That is for something that is coming in the near future. :wink: