I’m not sure where the issue is: my pistons are working, but the commands aren’t being carried out by the devices.
EXAMPLE: Lets say I set up a piston where if the back door closes, then it locks it. Ok so I shut the door, but it doesn’t work. Piston log says everything is good, I look at the device in the Smartthings Classic App, click “Recently” and it shows: “Piston: BackDoorLock” sent lock command to Back Door Lock. Except it didn’t lock.
Has anyone else experienced this? I searched but came up empty.
Things I have tried or am trying:
Z-wave network repair. I did this a few times, it seems to only take a minute, not sure if this helps any.
Rebooted the hub.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, commands from my phone app, however, seem to go through as if they have priority or something.
EDIT2: Also forgot to mention, the other night my hub was ONLINE but I couldn’t ping it from the IDE login, it just timed out. Commands were going through insanely slowly. however it seems that restarting the hub fixed that problem. Might be related though.
EDIT3: I was able to replicate it while watching the piston full logging. I got this error: “Error while executing physical command Camera.on([]): java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException” Anyone have a fix or insight on this?
EDIT4: Got another one: This time piston recognized situation fine, sent SMS command but it failed: and got “Error executing virtual command [].sendSMSNotification: (4ms) org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query” This is weird because its an SMS notification failure so its not even that there is a problem with the zwave network or anything.
Do I have too many devices? (cant be this because it failed to send an SMS notification too) Too many pistons? Is it because I have the new app installed (standard with my samsung phone?) This kind of sucks since things are a bit unreliable at the moment.