Webcore groovy deprecated, new integration needed. Where to start?


If on HE, there are several weather options, and some are integrated with webcore to fill in $weather

The most common is OpenWeatherMap.



The built-in Openweathermap device is the only one I could ever get to work.

I tried 4 other drivers available in HPM, including 2 different drivers for OWM from Matthew, APIXU and darksky.net. I signed up for free level of each, thought I did everything I needed to confirm/activate accounts and enter API keys, but nada. It was a frustrating experience, but gave up once I got the built-in HE OWM driver working. I just need basic local temp/humidity and forecast text to extract cloudiness info, so it works for me, but if you need more detailed information that was provided by $twc variables in ST version of webcore, you may be disappointed, and/or have to persist more on the custom drivers than I did to get them working.

Iā€™m only a little over 2 weeks in, and have everything working, with faster response times and more reliable operation than I ever had with ST. No regrets, other than lack of HE app/control functionality outside of LAN. The aluminum-foil-hatted, off-gridders among us consider this a feature, but it would really suck for me if I didnā€™t have actiontiles to access over WAN (I am certainly not setting up a raspberry pi server or anything to accomplish thisā€¦).


OpenWeatherMap is likely the best choice

I think apixu and dark sky are either charge or not allowing new keys

apple bought dark sky, so if you have a key it still works, but they stopped giving new keys a while ago. Also existing keys I think will stop in January.


Actually, I store info like:

those in yellow are the one I used the most for my sprinkler system and to see if it rain or somethingā€¦I translate some and also do some changes according to time of the day because before 3 am of after it wont gives the correct data since it updated at this time (not too clear but dont know how to explain it).

So I need to be able to retrieve those thingsā€¦ Is it possible or must I go with custom api (I have one but ofter they dont gives information that I needed). I ll check if an edge driver exist, if its the case, I could get the info with ST and send it to HE (dont know how but its possible by web request or other action)


I didnā€™t link to Webcore weather variable, because I just use the Wx device attributes directly. It doesnā€™t look like rainfall is an attribute that the built-in HE driver tracks, so you likely need to get one of the custom drivers working:

Current States

  • city : xxx
  • cloudiness : 13
  • country : US
  • humidity : 65
  • pressure : 1019
  • temperature : 64
  • weather : few clouds
  • weatherIcons : 02n
  • windDirection : 356
  • windSpeed : 2.91


You can find similar endpoints in the $weather provided by the openWeather API.

$twcweather.conditions.precip24Hour - There isnā€™t a 24 hour endpoint but there is a rain endpoint $weather.daily[0].rain. The api documentation shows a 1h and 3h but iā€™ve only ever seen a single endpoint in the weather dump.

$twcweather.conditions.wxPhraseLong is similar to $weather.daily[0].weather[0].main (Ex results: Thunderstorm, Drizzle, Rain, Snow, etc) with a more detailed description at $weather.daily[0].weather[0].description (Ex results: light thunderstorm, freezing rain, heavy intensity rain, Heavy snow, etc)
Complete list found at https://openweathermap.org/weather-conditions

$twcweather.forecast.qpf - there is a probability endpoint that you could use to replace qpf. $weather.daily[0].pop results range from 0 - 1

Note: daily[0] is today, daily[1] is tomorrow etc. Same endpoint is available in the hourly forcast as well hourly[0]ā€¦


Seems to be usable I think! Do you know the time of the data update each day? $twcweather is at 3 am so that s why the little expression to see if its between midnight and 3am or after 3 am to see if I use tomorrow or today to get the right dayā€¦

Just on qpf that is a mm of rain wich I use to see how much water to supply for irrigationā€¦So 0-1 is not really usable but I changed that for precip24hour that gives the last 24h rain mm so its more accurate then predictionsā€¦
Thanks again!


All of you guys moved over to hubitat, not willing to give sharptools a try?..
You can use sharptools without subscription, only losing capabilities like variables and http calls.

I donā€™t have 100 devices and 50 pistons, but 30 devices and 10 pistons are still not trivial.
Without variable Iā€™d have to create more virtual devices and SmartThings app routines to bridge the gap, but other than that, it only took me a few hours to fully migrate all but one piston to sharptools + app routines.

All of this costs me none of a dime, and only a weekend afternoon.


Sharptools is certainly a viable option for less complex automation.

Iā€™ve been on HE a while so things may have changed but ST app routines were horrible when i switched.

Outside of the afore mentioned http calls and variables, Iā€™d argue the biggest plus for webcore on hubitat is local processing vs cloud with sharptools.


I run ST, Hubitat and SharpTools in addition to some other stuff. While SharpTools provides many features that SmartThings is missing, it is as yet missing many complex capabilities and is no replacement for webCoRE IF youā€™re someone who uses those capabilities. If it only took you a few hours to fully migrate, itā€™s highly unlikely that youā€™re one of those people. :smiley:

But yes, for many users with less complex needs who donā€™t object to cloud processing, SharpTools will more than do the job.


If all you care is local processing then I guess you already moved to Hubitat long ago and wouldnā€™t bother waiting on this ST change to finally encourage you to do so :smiley: Just saying.

For the complexity yes Sharptools is nowhere near webcore, my routines are not simple either and I had to break them down to smaller modules for a single piston rules. ST routines are now more than happy to do local execution with more functions to come (of course basic ones, but with local execution).


I never said all I care about was local execution (obviously I donā€™t, since I use SharpTools). I said SharpTools will more than do the job for ā€œthose who donā€™t object to cloud processing.ā€

Iā€™ve been using ST, Hubitat, and SharpTools for some time, each for their own reason and advantages.

Just sayingā€¦


Since a good portion (all?) of my pistons use variables, that leaves SharpTools out as a viable replacement for WebCoRE right away. I very recently moved from SmartThings to Hubitat because I didnā€™t want to be without webCoRE when a viable option exists to preserve all of the thinking planning, etc. that went into my current automations.

If it only took a few hours to convert all of your previous webCoRE pistons to another platform (SharpTools), then Iā€™d surmise that you really werenā€™t using (and likely didnā€™t need) a lot of the power available in webCoRE - which is fine if you donā€™t need it. I and many others - with even more complex systems than mine, do need and use webCoREā€™s power all the time. SmartThings appears to be heading toward only supporting users with less complex needs rather than the wide spectrum of both simple and complex systems/users that it used to support.


Just to clarify for anyone who might be following this thread, custom variables are available in SharpTools Premium, which costs $30 a year.

P.S. No, I donā€™t work for SharpTools. :joy:


Fair enough, itā€™s all about money, time and effort ainā€™t it? Shame Samsung abandoned lots of people helped built what SmartThings has become today


Thank you for the clarification.