It is looking better for sure! I do have a couple of observations though:
(1) From what I see, the variables are only written once per hour. If this is your intention, then be aware that lines 68-79 will also only trigger once per hour. (So if the bad wind starts at 5:26, your blinds will not change for 59 minutes) If you want quicker response on your blinds, you can change line 69 from “Variable” to “Physical device” and choose your “Temperature sensor 1” instead. Also, for line 69, if you want to use “is greater than”, then you need to manually subscribe to that line as well. (or changing it to a trigger will also work)
(2) Lines 46-50 looks like you will get a notification every single time this piston runs (since the wind is always changing). Might need to re-think that section…
(3) Yes, I get either 0 or null about once every 200-300 runs on ALL my reoccurring queries to WUnderground. Thankfully, I have never seen it spike up, so that part should work as intended. (Even if WUnderground sends bad data.)
(4) Guilty as charged for the Solstice piston creation. That one sure was a lot of fun, and a great learning experience for me! Once I get a new telescope, I hope to make more astronomical pistons.