Fascinating, i can see i’m going to have to change my thinking about the wind, because as you say, the wind does jump around alot, the chances of it being the same speed after 3/4 10 minute refreshe cycles are quite slim. So i could just include it in the 10 minute refresh, i’m just so used to seeing the pistons of things i’m tracking, like Rain, Doorbell, Arrival sensor RSSI, garden irrigation, going hours not updating, so i’m used to seeing the time stamp of when it last happened, but i guess with wind its going to be more continuous change. Which makes sense. So i may just take the time stamp off the piston state as i’ll know the wind was correct as of now or last 10 minutes. Anyway looking at your wind graph, the spike around sunset i usually see close to large bodies of water. But once i’ve got this new toy fully embedded, i’ll grab your Solstice piston as i see you’re finalizing the Day graph you’re happy with… Edit. Or I may just create my own Solstice piston to compete with yours
Why no notifications on Wind speed for my blinds?
Well, the block that closes the blinds if the wind goes above x MPH should work as expected. Personally, I would not want to be notified whenever the wind changes speed, since the wind is regularly irregular, LOL
Writing the averages to a fuel stream seemed to be the solution for me. Out of sight unless I click a button. Although I did create a tile for quick info.
(Current wind, average wind, and current gust)
And just a note about my Solstice piston. It is not possible to import and run that piston. It won’t work. You can import it to save you most of the long typing parts, but the math is still required to be done once to make it work for your location. Let me know when the time comes and I will be glad to help.