Another "There was a problem loading the dashboard data" error



I’m on NA02.


After webCore disappearing from my Home hub as reported above (during my attempts to get the dashboard to load), I had no choice but to re-do my pistons one by one from backup. Even with a recent backup, this is not fun and takes a substantial amount of time.
After 15 hours, I was finished with about 75% of the 80 original pistons by late last night. During the course of the day, I realised some of the pistons were not firing correctly. The issue with one of the pistons was a missing device. I went through the usual procedure to add a device and low and behold, after adding the device, the dashboard not-loading issue is back. I have logged out, changed browsers - no luck. The Dashboard will not load.
The notice the following error in the IDE log:
fc286ecc-7dc6-4f7f-92d3-146be5deaa9e ‎19‎:‎27‎:‎05: error java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException @line 1701 (listAvailableDevices)
What do I do now? I can’t imagine having to start all over again. With other people also experiencing similar issues, surely it points to an issue with webCore?


It there anyone who still has access to the webCore server who is able to assist with issues like this?
I still have this issue. I’m able to access my second hub’s Dashboard in webCore, but my main (home) hub, is almost never accessible (no matter how matter difference browsers of computers I try.)
Sometimes I do get access until I access webCore on the Mobile app. Once I’ve done that, the Dashboard is not available for hours afterwards. Other times the dashboard would load, but when trying to access a piston, the page never opens.
I have never managed to run a “Clean up and rebuild data cache” successfully on the Home Hub. (On the second hub, the process completes fine.
I’ll appreciate any assistance immensely.