All the device status tile pistons are updated on the first 4 posts, here’s the changelog:
- Added comments to the variable section as additional guidance when setting up the variables and piston.
- Added 24Hour Variable if you want 24 hour timestamps.
- Added DDMMDateFormat Variable if you want DD/MM Date format since I know it’s formatted that way for some countries. This can be mixed and matched with the 24hour variable too.
- Added a 10 minute update on-top of the updates when there’s events. This will help sync the tiles if the tiles are not in the correct status and will make the tiles display if there’s no events yet for a device. If there’s no events for a device, it’ll display in the footer as "No Event Yet’ since there’s not a timestamp yet. This will make it so you are not having to manually trigger events for the devices you are monitoring just to get the tile to display. The 10 minute timer can be adjusted if you are having issues with tiles not updating correctly, do not have it update any faster than 1 minute though, otherwise you will have speed issues if you have a lot of pistons.
- Removed the wait that was added in error on all the tiles I posted
- Added the clear tile function based on bangali’s presence sensor to remove any extra tiles if you remove a device for example or change devices. This will eliminate extra tiles that are still displaying if you change what devices are assigned to the piston.
- Fixed the background colors on the Light Sensor tiles since Yellow is hard to read if tile was 10000 Lux level for example.
I highly recommend creating a second instance of WebCoRE for the tiles like I did since it’ll split the memory usage and make everything run and work faster. The WebCoRE site will start to get slow too unless you do this and you can link them together by registering another instance on the WebCore Dashboard:
More tiles to come, looking to add humidity, presence and room tiles. The room tiles I want to create is for the Rooms Occupancy DTH located here created by bangali: