I don’t know if this helps…
Assuming this post is still correct, I am on shard NA01 (graph.api…)
Ran a bunch of URLs starting with and editing the “doc6” piston code and got:
+0ms ╔Received event [x].test = 1587566870947 with a delay of 0ms
+302ms ║Error executing external web request: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
+312ms ║null
+314ms ╚Event processed successfully (314ms)
Changed URL to google.com:
+0ms ╔Received event [x].test = 1587567128505 with a delay of 0ms
+1077ms ║Google(function(){window.google={kEI:'GXXXXX9-A8',kEXPI:'31',kBL:'2amb'};google.sn='webhp';google.kHL='en';})();(function(){google.lc= !(c=a.getAttribute("eid")));)a=a.parentNode;return c google.kEI};google.getLEI=function(a){for(var c=null;a&&(!a.getAttribute !(c=a.getAttribute("leid")));)a=a.parentNode;return c};google.ml=function(){return null};google.time=function(){return Date.now()};google.log=function(a,c,b,d,g){if(b=google.logUrl(a,c,b,d,g)){a=new Image;var e=google.lc,f=google.li;e "";b -1!=c.search("&ei=") (e="&ei="+google.getEI(d),-1==c.search("&lei=")&&(d=google.getLEI(d))&&(e+="&lei="+d));d="";!b&&google.cshid&&-1==c.search("&cshid=")&&"slh"!=a&&(d="&cshid="+google.cshid);b=b "/"+(g "gen_204")+"?atyp=i&ct="+a+"&cad="+c+e+f+"&zx="+...[TRUNCATED]
+1080ms ╚Event processed successfully (1080ms)
Changed URL to http://api.cloudradar.io/v1/ping
+0ms ╔Received event [x].test = 1587567317647 with a delay of 1ms
+331ms ║Error executing external web request: groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: Not Found
+340ms ║null
+343ms ╚Event processed successfully (343ms)
Changed URL to my internal OctoPi IP
+1ms ╔Received event [x].time = 1587567476666 with a delay of -1540ms
+143ms ║[:]
+145ms ╚Event processed successfully (145ms)
4/22/2020, 10:57:36 AM +519ms
+0ms ╔Received event [x].test = 1587567456518 with a delay of 0ms
+159ms ║Setting up scheduled job for Wed, Apr 22 2020 @ 10:57:56 AM EDT (in 19.989s)
+168ms ╚Event processed successfully (168ms)
Changed URL to http://ip.jsontest.com/?callback=showMyIP which works in my browser. Also added log $response
+0ms ╔Received event [x].test = 1587567765641 with a delay of 0ms
+229ms ║Error executing external web request: groovyx.net.http.ResponseParseException: OK
+239ms ║null
+245ms ║null
+247ms ╚Event processed successfully (248ms)
Changed URL to http://worldclockapi.com/api/json/est/now , just logging $response now
+0ms ╔Received event [x].test = 1587568238437 with a delay of 1ms
+251ms ║[$id:1, currentDateTime:2020-04-22T11:10-04:00, currentFileTime:132320274386495592, dayOfTheWeek:Wednesday, isDayLightSavingsTime:true, ordinalDate:2020-113, serviceResponse:null, timeZoneName:Eastern Standard Time, utcOffset:-04:00:00]
+254ms ╚Event processed successfully (253ms)
Changed URL to my TinyCam server external IP http://USERNAME:[email protected]:8083/status.json
+0ms ╔Received event [x].test = 1587568701074 with a delay of 0ms
+859ms ║[available:17.8GB, backgroundMode:false, battery:100% (charged), cpuFrequencyMHz:816, cpuUsagePercentage:56, liveConnections:2, memoryFree:1.3GB, memoryUsed:261MB, motion:no, networkIn:195KB/s, networkOut:240KB/s, notifications:0, powerSafeMode:0, recorded:4MB, streamProfile:0, temperature:532, uptime:19 hour 46 min]
+862ms ╚Event processed successfully (862ms)