Login issues WebCore Smartapp




I cannot log into WebCore and this seems to happen from time to time. The fix is usually to update the password but I tried in ST Classic and I get the following error when I change the password:

Error bad state U able to complete page configuration…

Logs show:
error physicalgraph.exception.StateCharacterLimitExceededException: State cannot be greater than 100000.0 characters

Load is at 97%


Please use the Clean up and rebuild data cache button in the webCoRE smart app settings. Did you have a piston fail to save recently?


I did this prior to seeing your comment in that did fix it. It went from 97% to 41%


@ipaterson This happened again. This time webcore was at 100% under settings. While I can follow these directions (clean up and rebuild) the bigger question is why does it get to 100% (then back to 40%)? Can i automate the Clean up and rebuild? Is that even a good idea?


Because webCoRE writes the chunk data for any piston you save to the webCoRE app’s state before updating the child app. If the piston fails to save (probably because the webCoRE app has no memory left) nothing can run to clean up those chunks. A minimal fix would be to prevent a chunk from saving if it will exceed the allowed memory footprint and also delete the existing chunk data. There are certainly better solutions if anyone is interested in implementing something.

Over time the webCoRE app state gets filled up with piston and tile metadata. The problem can be mitigated to some extent by deleting pistons that you do not need and reducing the amount of data represented in tiles and piston state text (e.g. encoded images, font awesome markup, tables of data)


I am working on a clean up as we speak however, how would I go about this: A minimal fix would be to prevent a chunk from saving if it will exceed the allowed memory footprint and also delete the existing chunk data.