1) Give a description of the problem
First, the LIFX Scene list never updated, so I uninstalled webCORE. After reinstallation and reintegration with LIFX 24 hours ago, the scene list hasn’t generated inside webCORE.
2) What is the expected behavior?
LIFX Scene list would exist in the app.
3) What is happening/not happening?
**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston![image|45x37]
5) Attach any logs (From ST IDE and by turning logging level to Full)
(|+1ms|╔Received event [Fibaro KeyFob Nightstand].button = pushed with a delay of 93ms|
|+199ms|║RunTime Analysis CS > 18ms > PS > 103ms > PE > 79ms > CE|
|+203ms|║Runtime (58595 bytes) successfully initialized in 103ms (v0.3.104.20180323) (201ms)|
|+204ms|║╔Execution stage started|
|+214ms|║║Comparison (enum) pushed gets (string) pushed = true (3ms)|
|+215ms|║║Condition #2 evaluated true (6ms)|
|+216ms|║║Condition group #1 evaluated true (state did not change) (8ms)|
|+219ms|║║Evaluating switch with values [[i:3:null:0, v:[t:integer, v:7, vt:string]]]|
|+222ms|║║Comparison (integer) 7 is (integer) 1 = false (1ms)|
|+225ms|║║Comparison (integer) 7 is (integer) 7 = true (1ms)|
|+227ms|║║Cancelling statement #12’s schedules…|
|+230ms|║║Sorry, there seems to be no available LIFX scenes, please ensure the LIFX integration is working.|
|+231ms|║║Executed virtual command lifxScene (2ms)|
|+287ms|║╚Execution stage complete. (84ms)|
|+305ms|╚Event processed successfully (306ms)|
Toggle works here:
5/20/2018, 7:07:04 PM +318ms
+2ms ╔Starting piston... (v0.3.104.20180323)
+321ms ║╔Subscribing to devices...
+389ms ║║Subscribing to Fibaro KeyFob Nightstand.button...
+466ms ║║Subscribing to Bedroom Overhead...
+467ms ║║Subscribing to Bedroom Sonos...
+468ms ║║Subscribing to Bedroom LIFX...
+469ms ║╚Finished subscribing (157ms)
+719ms ╚Piston successfully started (718ms)
5/20/2018, 7:04:18 PM +947ms
+1ms ╔Received event [Fibaro KeyFob Nightstand].button = pushed with a delay of 74ms
+263ms ║Runtime (58331 bytes) successfully initialized in 60ms (v0.3.104.20180323) (261ms)
+264ms ║╔Execution stage started
+2262ms ║║Executed virtual command lifxToggle (1973ms)
+2305ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (2041ms)
+2319ms ╚Event processed successfully (2319ms)