Pistons have stopped working! [daylight savings time issues]



Ok done. I thought I did that but it may have been before I updated. I guess we’ll see the next time one of these triggers occur. Thank you


Same thing here. None of my WebCore pistons are working as of yesterday.


Install the last update and they’ll work again.


I’ve updated to ofd, this morning, and nothing is firing, it hasn’t in a couple of days. All of my sensor data is wrong in webcore, though it’s correct in ST.


A mistake I have made in the past is that I updated but didn’t publish.
Sorry to ask the question but you have updated and published all 4 webCoRE elements.


I am in the same boat. They are not working for me ether.


@dazeedmonds @ffuentes

Are you guys by any chance in GMT +0 timezone?


@bobbles I did an update and publish in the IDE. All at once, I selected the publish checkbox and did the execute update. That should be all I need to do right?

@Kebel871 No, I’m in EST.


Yes. Spot on. That’s all you need to do.
When you look at a piston does it say version 0fd?




Same thing for the other pistons I have as well. Including the one that’s telling me the biggest issue. The presence tiles for wife and kid all show present, but the same presence sensors in ST show away, which is correct.


Hmmm. Everything looks good from the point of running the latest version of the code.
Have you tried opening a piston then saving it.
Also turn logging on to full and hit the test button.
Needs to be done on a piston with time schedules to see if it is scheduling OK.
Look in the logs to make sure the schedules are correct.


It’s definitely a piston issue. When I pull up a piston to edit it, on the right side of the screen, the status of the sensors is correct, IE my presence is correct, and wife and kid both show away.

The tiles for the same sensors are wrong however.

EDIT: After saving the pistons and leaving the house triggering presence changes for me, everything caught up. I"m seeing things in the right status now, with the exception of my wife and kids’s tiles, but those won’t change until webcore catches a presence change for them.

So everything looks to be working right for me. Thanks for the help all.


I just actually check my ide and had updates pending. Let me see if that did the trick and things start working again.
/me fingers crossed.


I have updated this morning, paused and unpaused my pistons, and they are still not working.


All back to normal here.


Back to the same issue :frowning:


Strange things are happening, woke up to a light that a Piston usually turns off 20 minutes after Good Night routine runs.


Yup… Strange indeed. Mine are not running at all.


For the last few days I found my hub about 4 times not being able to control either zigbee, zwave, or none of the two networks. A quick hub restart fixed it - is this the case? Can you control your devices from the ST app?


The ST app is fine for me, controls everything.