I am running the very latest of all 4 according to the repo, but still seeing this even after a Hard Reload:
Is that to be expected and you just haven’t updated the JS yet, as you mentioned yesterday? Or is something off on my end? Thanks.
I am running the very latest of all 4 according to the repo, but still seeing this even after a Hard Reload:
Is that to be expected and you just haven’t updated the JS yet, as you mentioned yesterday? Or is something off on my end? Thanks.
for me the pistons that are based on sensors still do not fire.
In webcore the motion sensor always reports no motion, although in smartthings it triggers normally.
i can fire a turn on light piston and it works.
Interesting. My pistons that trigger on motion active/inactive are working fine. Not sure what the difference may be.
Does the log say that the motion sensors triggers?
I had a problem with some pistons since my house was in “night” since the pistons i use to arm disarm dident work last night. So i had to adjust location mode since my pistons use this value.
No, the sensors status never update in webcore.
Same with my door sensor, its state doesn’t update/change in webcore.
Do they update in ST app?
If they do, wild gues maybe remove and add the device in the instance.
and/or pause and resume the pistons.
Works normally in ST app.
I tried pausing the pistons, didnt fix it.
Also adding a simulated switch in ST, does not appear in webcore
Something is broken with the connection between the two.
when you added the simulated switch to ST, did you then go into the webcore smartapp (via the ST app) and add the new device there as well?
Devices don’t automatically get added to webcore, you need to give webcore permission.
now it got even worse.
i added the simulated switch in webcore app (why is it buried so deep? should be on the main menu), now even the battery/temperture reporting is gone from the dashboard.
Tried removing and re-adding the motion sensor in webcore app, no change.
Should i just reinstall it completely? any fast way to backup/restore all da pistons??
why would a simulated device have battery / temperature reporting?
What dashboard? WC? ST? AT?
i mean my fibaro motion sensor and door sensor has battery and temperture, their status disappeared from the webcore dashboard.
its back in the dashboard. but still pistons don’t fire.
I added a very simple piston to test it:
if door_sensor is closed
it only fires when i press the test button, but then it does update to the correct state of the door sensor. won’t fire / change the state of the sensor otherwise (i see the state using trace).
webcore reports version Home \ webCoRE (v0.2.0fc)
Finally, seems the culprit was the piston smartapp, on 0fc, and didn’t show an update option.
updated manually and my house lit up like christmas tree from all the pistons firing together.
Hi guys!
My Pistons that are time-triggered (mostly around sunrise and sunset) are still triggering an hour early. My sunset piston went off nearly an hour ago and has a countdown of a few minutes. Sunset is scheduled for just a few minutes from now. Webcore knows the official sunset time.
I am on 0fd, is there anything else I was supposed to do?
I read on the ST forum that people are reporting that their motion sensors are "sticking’ in the motion position and taking a long time to revert back to no motion…not sure if that is the issue…