Pistons have stopped working! [daylight savings time issues]



I updated the piston smart app, but still seeing my pistons firing an hour too soon. Have a bunch going at midnight, they are all showing they will execute in 15 minutes.

I do have one that executes at 11pm, and its showing the correct execution time, in 15 minutes.


Works here before, during, and after the few problematic hours. Re-saved piston to get the correct time.


Cool - now let’s hope that doesn’t interfere with the other 8756 hours in a year…



Thank you guys for being patient and resilient :smiley: :smiley:


My pistons that execute at midnight are still not working, they are firing at 11:00pm. If I change it to 11:59, its fine. But if I change it to midnight or even 12:01am, it resorts back to 11:00pm


What version of code are you running? Can you please update and publish again? Then pause and resume the piston, same issue?


I have a piston that is set to execute at 01:00 AM but it says it will go off at 12:00AM. If I change it to 2:00 AM it correctly says it is scheduled for 2:00AM. Can’t seem to get it to run at 1:00AM though. I am updated to the latest version v0.2.0fd.20171105


Using 11/05/2017 >>> v0.2.0fd.20171105

Didn’t see an update, but republished. Don’t see a change. Piston secheduled for 12:59am, will go at 11:59pm.


Same here. Just tested. 2am works. Midnight, 12:59am does not.


I have a piston triggers every hour on the hour, its working correctly and a time test for midnight worked as well. It’s now correctly set to go at 1am. This was the piston that failed last night and had me open the original post, so now seems to be working.

@ady624 , at 10:59 a piston that should be triggered for sunrise executed, could this just have been a result of updates you made when performing your magic trick?

Note: the sunrise piston is correctly scheduled to trigger at sunrise tomorrow.


Slick, that idea came to you pretty quickly. Nice work.


Not sure I understand the workaround. I live in GMT timezone which is currently same as UTC. My pistons don’t work too.


Just updated to 0.2.0fd and this seems to have fixed the issue. I suggest this information made a sticky.


Can I just say thanks to the WebCore team for being so pro-active on this.

Coupled with my ongoing issues (see https://community.smartthings.com/t/smartthings-current-stability/103832/24), I thought my entire system was self imploding. Thankfully this was the easiest issue to resolve and I think it all comes down to the WebCore team being so pro-active.

I’m getting nothing so far from SmartThings support except for them pointing the blame at other services.


These two pistons used to give same time.
Now one is one hr in the future.
Hope it’s helpfull.


Welcome to Hogwarts, please put on The Sorting hat. Oh wait, you’re doing Black magic with great success? Slytherin it is then! :mage:‍♂️


You’re a Beast. Thank you for all you’re black magic. WebCoRE is the most incredible example of ‘sharing your gift with others’.


It looks like some of the pistons that didn’t execute yesterday got put in some sort of queue and executed later.

I have one that when we come home after dark and open a door it turns on a couple lights. We came home about 7:30 last night but no lights came on. Then at 2:30 this morning those lights came on. Bad thing was my wife woke up first. If I had woke up first I wouldn’t be in the dog house now…:slight_smile: Just kidding, she understands these things.


Checked this morning and the pistons I was having a problem with last night for between 12am and 2am are now showing the correct time. All looks good.


I too was having trouble with pistons not firing or showing the wrong next scheduled time. I have one that is supposed to run at 4:00am but last night it showed that time as 3:00am. This morning it still showed 3am. What I did was Edit the piston but did nothing except Save it, and now the new next time was right. I also noticed a bunch of my other pistons had wrong next times that got fixed with the Edit/Save trick. Looks like I will need to do that trick for all my pistons, just to kick-start them and get them going correctly again.