I just installed webcore and am following the tutorial in the wiki.
I’ve gotten to the step to create a new piston, and something is going wrong. When I try to create a blank piston, I get the form where I fill out the author and piston name. However when I click Create, I get the animation in the lower right corner, but nothing more.
The first couple times I tried this, the animation would run for a few seconds, and then it would stop, and leave me at the creation form. Now the last few times, the animation just continues indefinitely (after 5 minutes I just force refreshed the page). I’ve tried this both in a registered browser session, and directly in the dashboard on my phone.
Is there anywhere I can get a log or something that might tell me what’s going on?
Unable to create new piston
Can you try going into the ST app, open the WC smartapp, go to settings and click on ‘rebuild data cache’… then try again to makie a new piston.
I’ve rebooted my hub, and I rebuilt the data cache as suggested (which reported success).
I’m still getting the same result when I try to create a piston. The screen grays out for 2 seconds or so while the animation runs, then comes back to the form. No new piston in sight, and no editor.
Next test:
On the webCoRE dashboard (homepage), click options and then log out.
Generate a new code in the WC/ST smartapp and log back in.
Aha. I had webcore installed, but had missed the following steps where the piston, dashboard, and storage smartapps also had to be installed.
It would be nice if there was some sort of error message, rather than the silent nothing happening.